Musa “Grand nain”

Banana is a globally important fruit crop with 97.5 million tones of production. In India it supports livelihood of million of people. With total annual production of 16.91 million tones from 490.70 thousand ha., with national average of 33.5 T/ha. Maharashtra ranks first in production with 60 T/ha. Banana contributes 37% to total fruit production in India. Agro Climate Banana is basically a tropical crop, grows well in temperature range of 13ºC – 38ºC with RH regime of 75-85%. In India this crop is being cultivated in climate ranging from humid tropical to dry mild subtropics through selection of appropriate varieties like Grandnaine. Chilling injury occurs at temperatures below 12ºC. The normal growth of the banana begins at 18ºC, reaches optimum at 27ºC, then declines and comes to a halt at 38ºC. Higher temperature causes sun scorching. High velocity wind which exceeds 80 km phrs damages the crop. Soil Soil for banana should have good drainage, adequate fertility and moisture. Deep, rich loamy soil with pH between 6-7.5 are most preferred for banana cultivation. Ill drained, poorly aerated and nutritionally deficient soils are not suitable for banana. Saline solid, calcareous soil are not suitable for Banana cultivation. Avoided soil of low laying areas, very sandy & heavy black cotton with ill drainage. Variety Grande Naine Planting Distance 6X6 or 6X5 or 7X5 Methods of Planting 1.82m x 1.52m is being recommended, it accommodates 1452 plants per acre (3630 plants per hectare) keeping. The region like north India, coastal belt and where humidity is very high and temp falls down upto 5-7ºC, the planting distance should not be less than 2.1m x 1.5m. Irrigation Irrigate the plants immediately after planting. Apply sufficient water and maintain field capacity. Excess irrigation will lead to root zone congestion due to removal of air from soil pores, thereby affecting plant establishment and growth. And hence drip method is must for proper water management in Banana Fertigation Tissue banana plant require large amount of mineral nutrients to maintain high yield in commercial plantations. Banana plants requires total 16 essential plant nutrients to grow. Among 16 C,H and O are readily supplied by air and water remains applied through fertilizer. Cultural Practices Harvesting In tissue culture banana flowering starts 8 to 10 months after planting and the bunch become ready within 3 to 4 months after flowering. The total duration of planting to harvesting time will be max of 11 -12 months. Advantage of Tissue Culture 1. Plants are selected from high yielding clones. 2. Plants are micropropagated under optimal conditions. 3. Plants are absolutely free from diseases and pests. 4. Plants are flexibility in accordance with the planting season and marketing demand. 5. Fruit bunches are dense, and compact having well shape fingers for better marketability.