Calbahaar ‘concentrate’

Description:Calbahaar concentrate carries the great legacy of Calbahaar an excellent plant booster, Calbahaar has been a great success in all the crops, wherever applied. Calbahaar with its distinctive advantage of able to control fungal as well as insect attack at the root zone is a must on all crops and all kinds of soil. Method & Dosage: Calbahaar concentrate provides the same benefit of Calbahaar granule, but in liquid form. It can be used as a spray over the plant or for drenching. It can also be given through drip. Calbahaar concentrate is recommended @ 1 litre for 1 acre. It helps in health and growth of the plant thus leading to higher yield. The unique anti-fungal, insecticidal, growth promoting action gives a tremendous boost to the crop. It is recommended on all crops. It can also be mixed with composts and soil for broadcasting. Use Calbahaar concentrate always for a luxuriant growth. Use a good sticker / spreader for good contact, preferably ‘Calipso’ as per the indicated dosage.