Calterm super (with EPN)

Description: Calterm super is effective against all the soil dwelling pests like root grubs, cut worms, nematodes, termites (white ants). Etc., It also has excellent larvicidal action when dusted / sprayed on the plants. Direction for use:Broadcast Calterm super dust on the ploughed field. Irrigate the field immediately to activate the molecules present in Calterm super which kills the insects on contact. It can also be applied around the root zone for control of termites (white ants), root grubs and nematodes. Apply approximately 5 grams of Calterm super at the root zone for all transplanted seedlings for better results.terCalterm super does not do any harm to the land or to the crop in case of over – dosing. It is safe, eco-friendly, non – poisonous and does not leave any residue. Dosage:Use 2–4 kgs/acre for direct application / drip. It can also be sprayed over the plant @ 10-20 grams / litre of water for the control of insects. Maintain enough moisture on the plant to make the product effective.