
Description:Camistrong has about twenty types of Amino Acid, which are the main constituents of protein. Amino Acids are the building block of proteins. When Amino acids are separated, it ends up with free from Amino Acids. The plant is able to uptake these free Amino Acids and use it to make chlorophyll, proteins, enzymes, etc. The plant uses this additional energy in better growth, fight stress, drought, heat, etc. It can be used on all type of crops. It doesn’t leave and residue or dangerous side effects. Method of Dosage:Dilute Camistrong in clean water @ 2 ml / ltr and stir it well. Shake the bottle before use. Use the spray solution, the same day of preparation. Spray liberally over the whole plant for excellent results. Spray early morning or in the evening for good effect. Do not spray during noon time or at high temperature. Use a good sticker / spreader for good contact, preferably ‘Calipso’ as per the indicated dosage. Compatibility: Camistrong is compatible with almost all types of insecticides, fungicides, herbicides, as well as nutrients.