
laying sods Only a few tools are actually needed to lay your turf a wheelbarrow, a rake, a long knife a spade, some planks plus a means of thoroughly watering the turf. InSummer turf must be rolled out immediately after delivery and within 24 hours . Start laying turves preferably along a straight edge, butting closely end to end. On subsequent rows stagger the joints in brickwork fashion, to minimize the risk of drying out. To ensure the prepared soil remains level work from planks placed on your newly laid turf. Lightly press down the turves with the head of a rake or a piece of wood to ensure firm contact between the soil and the underside of each turf. Never use a roller on freshly laid turf. In hot weather try to start watering areas laid first prior to completing the whole area, to prevent it from drying out. Always push the turf into joints. Never stretch the turves by pulling them. Any remaining cracks can be filled with a light soil and pressed down. Use a long knife or hand saw to trim the ends of the turf and shape around paths, beds and trees. Where the outer edges are exposed, protect them from drying out with some soil. This can be removed after a few weeks. Immediately after laying Water Watering your new turf is the single most important step you need to take to establish a beautiful and healthy lawn. Start watering on the day turf is laid. On hot days, you may need to commence watering large lawns prior to laying all the turf. Ensure that the new lawn is never short of water. Lift corners of the turf to confirm water has percolated through to the underlying soil. Water repeatedly until the turf is well established. If rainfall is experienced you still need to check that the lawn is receiving sufficient water. It is best to water turf in the early morning or during the evening so that less water is lost to evaporation. Once established, occasional watering during dry periods should be adequate. Mowing Be prepared to mow your new lawn within 30 days, provided this can be done without dislodging the turf. Check by gently trying to lift it and if it can be lifted easily, replace it and allow the turf more time to establish before recommencing mowing. Don’t delay. Most people allow turf to get too long. Mowing encourages establishment. Although this should be the only traffic in the first few weeks. Never remove more than one third of the grass blade length. For the first few cuts remove just the top quarter of the grass blade. Over the next few cuts gradually lower the mowing height down to 25mm (1″). Alternate the direction in which you mow your lawn. Clippings do not have to be collected if they are minimal, provided sunlight is reaching the blades of grass. Clippings in small amounts return nutrients to the soil encouraging a healthy lawn. Careful maintenance is the key to a beautiful lawn The appearance of your lawn will be affected by the environment it is living in and the treatment it is receiving. A healthy lawn requires a balance of air, food, water and light. An appropriate maintenance programme helps to keep these elements in balance. Your turf is used to a cut height of 25mm (1″) . You should aim for the same without ever removing more than one third of the grass blade length at any one time. Adjust how often you mow your lawn dependent on how quickly the grass grows. In the peak growing seasons frequent mowing can dramatically enhance your lawns appearance. If your lawn becomes too long you must gradually bring it back down to the correct height. Mowing a lawn from 75mm (3″) down to 25mm (1″) in one cut will result in a weak, sparse, pale lawn. Whatever type of mower you have it must be well maintained, with blades sharpened at least once a year. Feeding It is vital your lawn receives sufficient nutrients. Mr.Farmer’s range of lawn fertilisers provide the optimum balance of nutrients to promote a healthy, green and hard wearing lawn. Mr.Farmer’s Vermicompost should ideally be applied once a month.